Thank you for your interest in our program to sell your book on a non-returnable, commission basis to buyers in corporations, associations, schools and government agencies. These buyers use books as premiums, incentives and ad specialties and typically buy in large quantities.In summary, we will display your book in a catalog and two search engines that are used by 65,000 commissioned salespeople to sell to known buyers. When they take an order for your books, we will purchase them from you at 60% off the list price – and we pay the shipping charges.
- See our current catalog at We do the layout for you and you approve it before we go to print. You also get a copy of the printed catalog.
- Your book will be displayed on two search engines making it accessible by all 65,000 sales people — for as long as your book is in print.
- There is a $250 one-time catalog set-up fee for the first title ($175 for the second and $125 for each additional title) to be included in our program. We have discounted pricing for a 1/4-page listing ($500), 1/2-page listing ($800) as well as full-page listings ($1400). APSS members get a 10% discount off all listings.
- We send a newsletter to the sales reps monthly promoting the books in our catalog — you can send me something to be in that monthly, too. There is no charge to do so.
What’s In It for You to Be In Our Catalog?
- Become more profitable. We can sell large quantities of your books — non-returnable.
- You don’t have to sell any books. We know who and where the buyers are — and what they want. We do all the selling and negotiating for you.
- Get incremental revenue without having to do any of the selling.
- Low cost. Once you pay the one-time catalog-set-up fee, we sell on a commission-only basis.
- Reach non-bookstore buyers you never knew existed. We know the ins and outs of the business and where your books are most saleable.
- Get a personal sales force without the cost. Our national team of experienced premium salespeople sells your books to their usual customers. They call on these people regularly and have the relationships in place that could take you years to nurture.
- Focus on what you do best. Your strengths may be in writing or publishing books. Our strength is in selling them.
- We can customize your books for each customer – at no cost to you. Some customers may require changes or additions to the cover design, such as foil stamping; there is no charge to you for PBC to arrange customization.