Book cover and book interior design
Technical expertise
Experienced advice
We understand how important your book is to you. While it is easier than ever to publish, it is actually harder to stand out from the crowd. If you want a book that you’ll be proud to present to the reading public and that will be designed around your own style and message, then contact us.
Some providers offer to design covers and interiors at inexpensive flat rates. We don’t work that way. Each project is considered in-depth. After an initial consultation and a preliminary estimate, we will work closely with you. The process, the costs, and the timeline are communicated in writing and agreed upon. The design will be based on reading the work, considering your publishing goals, and then building a beautiful book within the constraints of the project.
We’ve worked with many independent and self-published authors to help them work through the questions of pricing and distribution and find the best team players to make for a book publishing plan that achieves your goals.
Valerie Brewster, principal designer and book production expert
Over the years I’ve designed and produced everything from hardcover and softcover text and image-driven books, to full-color catalogs and newsletters, to e-books and Web sites. Whatever I design, I design in the tradition of fine typography: attending to the content, remembering the reader, and applying my knowledge of the history and form of typefaces to give voice to the message.
Book’s I’ve designed have gone on to win the Pulizer prize, National Book Award, Bookbuilder’s West (now PPN), and PubWest citations.