My speciality is customized social media training for your book and your business.

Marketing your business and your book means marketing YOU. Your potential market wants to know you, and hear how you can solve a problem they have; not just hear a sales message over and over. My social media training teaches you a variety of ways you can create content that your market wants and will share with their friends.

Social media marketing is about creating relationships!

People who are successful at selling aren’t really selling. They’re just really good at creating relationships. That’s what my social media training is all about.

Nobody buys anything when they get hounded to buy. People buy because they (1) have a problem that a product can solve and (2) they like and trust the person who’s selling the product. If you can match those 2 things up with your potential customers, you’ve made a sale. It’s the nicest way way to do business.

Bright ideas we can work on together:

  • How to sell your stuff. We’ll work together to create a social media marketing plan for your book that includes all of the marketing 101 buzzwords and a lot of common sense. Bottom line: a marketing plan is part of your business plan. The two have to fit together and have the same goals.
  • How to use social media sites. I’m constantly researching what’s new in social media and how to use Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, et al, for business. My home study classes are available on my membership site, Social Media Express. You can also hire me to coach you privately.
  • BTW, I’m not a publicist. I don’t contact newspapers and TV stations to get publicity for my clients. Sorry. But here’s the good news: most reporters these days get their story ideas from social media and blogs. So if you get visible online, traditional media will find you.
  • How to create a content plan for your blog and social media. Once people have their shiny new blog and social media sites, they don’t know what to say. Together, we’ll create a content plan for your blog and social media that works for your business and your schedule. And you’ll know how to track your results.

If you’d like to talk to me about your marketing needs, contact me. I offer a free, 30 minute phone consultation so we can see if we’d work well together.