Book Writing Coach Lisa Tener specializes in helping experts and enlightened entrepreneurs write and publish a compelling how-to book, self-help book or memoir—taking them step-by-step through her unique, award winning process. She teaches on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s CME publishing course, at popular writers conferences (San Francisco, Ocean State), and in her Stevie Award-Winning Bring Your Book to Life(R) Program
You’ve seen Lisa Tener’s clients on the Today Show, Oprah, CBS Early Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, CNN and in national publications. Her clients have signed 5- and 6-figure publishing deals with Random House, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, Scribner, Yale University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, New World Library and many other publishers, as well as self-publishing. A published author, Lisa Tener has been on ABC World News, PBS TV and been quoted in Glamour, USA Weekend, The Boston Globe, Providence Journal and so much more. She blogs on writing and publishing for the Huffington Post.
Lisa Tener received her B.S. from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her and M.S. from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and studied writing under Frank Conroy, A.R. Gurney, Jr., Jean Valentine and other luminaries. She received the gold Award for Marketer of the Year from the American Business Awards in 2012.
Visit Lisa’s website to : find an editor, hire Lisa as a book proposal coach or book writing coach, learn how to write a book proposal, explore book writing programs or hire a ghostwriter. Sign up today for Lisa Tener’s free author toolkit and read her book writing blog (where she is happy to answer your book writing and publishing questions).