Executive Authors

We help you create a business- or brand-building book that will lead to your desired results — results such as increasing profits, attracting new clients or partners, being considered an industry leader or being recognized nationally.

Unlike most publishing experts, consultants and book coaches, we know how to make your book a game-changer by having those results drive everything we do as we shape your book AND business to work together and leverage the book-business synergy we create.

Andrea Hurst & Associates

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Art Lizza, Ghostwriter, Conceptual/Developmental Editor

You’ve written your book—or created a very rough draft—but you’re just not sure it’s good enough for a publisher; maybe your manuscript has already been rejected! I can help; I provide intensive, in-depth, conceptual/developmental editing expertise to exceed publisher standards in a way that will make literary agents eager to read your book, even to represent you. Let’s publish it!

Author Bridge Media

You write; we guide. The coaches at Author Bridge envision your book in its highest completed form—compelling, engaging and inspiring—and make sure it gets there. We’ve coached dozens of successful authors, and we will help you strategize, focus, and keep moving forward until your book is done.

Be It Now! Design by Karrie Ross

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Bookchic LLC

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