1106 Design, LLC

Readers can discern the difference between book pages “designed” with a word processor and those done by a professional. Make sure your book does not look homemade.

Adept Content Solutions

Adept Content Solutions' professional text designers develop interior designs incorporating type and design elements that convey the tone of each title. We focus on both readability and accessibility of the content. Samples are provided to confirm the design and layout of each book.

Be It Now! Design by Karrie Ross

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Bookmasters can manage your interior page layout, optimized for print books or eBooks. Our production team has an average of 20 years of publishing experience, and you’ll be paired with one of these dedicated, in-house project managers to make sure your project stays on time and within budget.


BookMatters has been designing books for more than 25 years . . . from small poetry chapbooks, monographs, and novels to large coffee table books, complex science books, and detailed reference titles. We've won many awards for our interior design and layout work.