Executive Authors

Looking for a publishing expert to manage your book project while you run your business or do other things? As a publishing industry insider since the mid-1970s, we have seen and solved almost every type of publishing issue and anticipate problems as well as solve them — often without needing your involvement. Project management is one of our specialties for executive authors creating a book for their business.

Chief Virtual Officer – Social Media Consultant

Our project management strategies help you stay on track for getting your book finished, published, and marketed online.

Executive Authors

Looking for a publishing expert to manage your book project while you run your business or do other things? As a publishing industry insider since the mid-1970s, we have seen and solved almost every type of publishing issue and anticipate problems as well as solve them — often without needing your involvement. Project management is one of our specialties for executive authors creating a book for their business.

Ideas to Images

Whether you're about to start your first publishing project or your fiftieth, I can help. I work with publishers to manage their complex cover-to-cover book projects, from raw manuscript to press or ebook. Please call me to see how I can take your book from a dream to a reality.

Leigh McLellan Design

I take the entire process from manuscript to printed book. In addition to my role as designer, I oversee copyediting, proofreading, indexing, printing, and binding.